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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Angels August 27, 2009



Ask your angels to stay as near to you as they can; to help keep your vision clear and your presence simple, so in all the days to come there will be a radiance and Glory in your spirit.

*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama candle August 26, 2009
*Joseph*.We believe that we will see you again,We wait with courage.(Dessa).Yannick Fraser
Yannick Fraser patrickjay-clark Grd Mama August 25, 2009
Dear Dessa.I am not able to light candles for your dear*Joseph*.Each time I hit candle my aol jumps and shuts.I will never forget your sweet boy.The same thing happens for *David Giraud*.So I send an Email each day to Cathy instead.I'll do the same or try condolence which seems to work better.God bless your sweet angel.Yannick.
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~ Holding you close to thoughts & prayers August 25, 2009


This morning when I awoke and saw the sun above,

I softly said, 'Good morning, Lord, Bless everyone I love'

Right away I thought of you and said a loving prayer,

That He would bless you specially, and keep you free from care.
I thought of all the happiness a day could hold in store,
I wished it all for you because no one deserves it more.
I felt so warm and good inside, my heart was all aglow.
I know God heard my prayers for you,
He hears them all, you know.
~ Unknown

Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama Peace August 25, 2009
Angela-Dau.2.Ang.Linda Taylor Good night Sweet Angel.. August 24, 2009

Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom Thinking of you and your angel August 24, 2009

Dear Dessa, I think of you and your family and especially your precious angel Joseph. Sending lots of love and hugs to you and to heaven today and always.

Mom to Angel Melissa Platt Thinking of You August 24, 2009

Tammy K. An Autumn graphic for Joseph & family with love August 23, 2009

Carolyn, Nico's Granny Happy Autumn Joseph August 23, 2009
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