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Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Lighting this candle today sweet Joseph as a reminder of your eternal love. God Bless xo
Cindy~B.J., Wayne & Bucks Mama
Joseph, no matter how long you're gone you will never stop being loved and missed.
Angie Robert's Grandmother
Lighting this special candle for you Joseph because your special to so many people! Thinking of you often.
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Hey Joseph, I bet I know who Mom wishes she could give a big heartful hug to this Valentine's Day?...YOU! hugs to you all
Adahlyn Renea Dyson
My sweet dear little granddaughter, a day doesnt go by that i dont think of you. you are so dearly missed. Grandma loves you dear
LaRainemom~Cynthia Hernandez
Thinking of u precious Joseph & sending luv to u always. Stay close to ur mom & family u are so love & missed. Hugs
Mom & Dad Nathan
I just got home from church I felt you beside me. I talked to Rhonda today son tell me what can I do. I love you miss you xoxo
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Thoughts & Prayers!!
Martha Scott GM Samantha Scott
Joseph, Today the loss of one that your family loves so much is heavens gain and someday you will see them again.
Mom and Dad
I am going to get your valentine balloons to put at your site. Rhonda has came by 2 times this week. Sweety help her if u can.
Beverly Johns(Harley Walls Mom
♥Angel Joseph♥Valentine's day will b here soon stay close 2 ur Momma n let her feel UR presence.Hugs n Kisses 2 u Angel Joseph
Angela nickys mum
Joseph, look after your mum . i know she worries about you. let her have a sign. god blessxx
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